Stephen Derbyshire’s life was spiralling out of control. Unable to break free from addiction, he was being enveloped by a suffocating blackness that seemed certain to extinguish his life. At his lowest point he cried out to God for a miracle … and he got one. It was the beginning of a process of supernatural restoration that would see a life of purpose rise out of the ruins. Since then he has committed his life to helping others experience this same transformation.
Fast forward to Tuesday 31st January, 2012. Steve has pastored City Gates church, Ilford, for nearly 20 years and work is underway to construct their brand new worship centre. Without warning, the building suddenly collapses. The story is national news and it is hard to imagine how the church can recover from such a disaster. But once again, the God who can confront total wreckage and miraculously bring restoration out of ruin, intervenes.
Read the gripping story of how God can bring hope out of the bleakest of situations and purpose out of chaos.